GNR launches speed control operation

The Guarda Nacional Republicana (GNR) is today launching an operation to control speed and raise awareness of safer driving behavior, the guard has announced.

GNR launches a speed control operation to ensure road safety

In a press releaseIn 2023, GNR's "RoadPol - Vitesse" operation recorded 84,601 road accidents, of which at least 3,447 were probably caused by excessive speed or speeding.

In terms of speed enforcement, 101,169 offences were recorded in 2023.

The operation, which starts today and runs until Sunday, will be carried out on the continent, on the most critical roads and where the incidence of accidents and speed limit violations is highest.

This operation is part of the Réseau European (RoadPol), an organization set up by European traffic police forces to improve road safety and compliance with traffic regulations.

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